Scamming seems to follow trends. The latest trend is to create fake Stardoll sites to trick users into entering their usernames and passwords in the boxes that are not on the REAL Stardoll site. This is called phising. It is against the rules to log into any other website than, so you are actually breaking the rules if you are tricked into logging on a FAKE site!
Moreover, a lot of users seem to be asking for passwords to do presentations or makeovers. Stardoll is cracking down on this. NEVER ask anyone for his/her password and NEVER give your password to anyone!
The Employee Code Scam is still circulating and the "Change Your Email" Scam is still around, too. Scammers invent lies to steal from young girls. REPORT anyone who says to change your email or asks for unsernames and passwords. PLEASE, do you share to get rid of scammers/hackers!
NOTE: Scammers, Hackers and Predators pretend to be nice! Be suspicious. Anyone you do NOT know personally who says he/she is going to do something special for you is 100% LYING!
Rumors and misinformation are the tools of scammers/hackers.
Here are some quick facts:
- You CANNOT get a virus at Stardoll. No Way! No doll can be a virus either. That is a very mean rumor used to bully.
- For 99% of users; If you do these simple things,you will be SAFE:
*DON'T give your password to anyone!
*Make your password IMPOSSIBLE to guess.
*NEVER change your email to someone else's email address. They will be able to steal your password and your account.
*DON'T go to outside sites while logged into Stardoll.
*DON'T log into Stardoll from any outside site that is not
*DON'T give your password to anyone!
*Make your password IMPOSSIBLE to guess.
*NEVER change your email to someone else's email address. They will be able to steal your password and your account.
*DON'T go to outside sites while logged into Stardoll.
*DON'T log into Stardoll from any outside site that is not
Sounds easy! Lots of girls get tricked into doing these things. Other girls on this site will lie to you.
If your internet access is insecure or you use PUBLIC computers to access Stardoll, you may have problems.
But they are problems that you would have no matter what site you use.
It is okay to accept/deny friends. You CANNOT get hacked by using this feature on the site. I simply don't know where this rumor started but it's a great example of how misinformation spreads and leads to superstitious behavior.
There is a problem with accepting friends. But that is because there are some people on Stardoll that are NOT who they pretend to be. There are LIARS and THIEVES everywhere. Be Careful!
NOTE: DON'T ask for a password from anyone for ANY reason. If you do, Stardoll can delete/terminate your account. No refunds! When you signed up, you agreed to the Terms of Service. It would be a good idea to read these and obey the rules if you want to stay.
Create a STRONG password. Never have the same character repeated. (Making your password easy to type by using something like 222 is stupid.) Make sure it has "SPECIAL CHARACTERS" such as (#$%^&@), numbers as well as letters. Example: pl^y6r0und (This is ready to remember, it is playground but with a special character instead of the "a" and numbers instead of the "g" and the "o". Do NOT use this one, but create your own which is easy for you to remember and impossible to guess. Write it down and keep it secret.
NEVER EVER give out your password to ANYONE!
NEVER give out reference numbers associated with your account.
NEVER change your email to an email address that is not your own.
ALWAYS have a working email address associated with your account.
ALWAYS LOG OUT before your leave Stardoll, then clear your cookies.
ONLY log into the REAL STARDOLL SITE. If it does NOT say "STARDOLL.COM" in the address bar, get out of there! You will be hacked!
Club: advice4newbies
P.S. I asked for permission to copy and change the presentation in some ways.
Here's the link: